Hej drenge, Haaber saeson forberedelser gaar godt. Hernede er vi saa heldige at spille, paa en helt ny kunststofgraes bane som FIFA har doneret til den profesionelle klup Costa do Sol i Maputo, hver onsdag. Der er kun 2 af dem i hele Mozambique. Men foer sidste traening modtog vi denne mail fra ham, der star for holdet.
I just went down to Costa do Sol and unless we have life jackets instead of bips and insist in playing water polo, there is no way we can play today. The pool is 1.5 meters deep, and only 60cms of the goals are above the water.
The last time this happened WAS IN 2000. The goals remained 1.5 m deep in the sand after the water had been darained away and the sand was sold to a construction company, who some months to get the pitch back in order.
Sincve then some drainage work and erosion control has been done, so let's hope the pitch only needs to drain the water.
But for today the pitch is cancelled.
Sorry boys, but you can still tell your wife you are playing and attend some other urgent matters tonight.
Det er ikke altid nemt at vaere fodboldspiller i Mozambique, selvom man spiller pa landets bedste bane. Og ja det har regnet rigtigt meget de sidste 3 dage efter vi havde et par dage med over 40 grader.
Hold ud i A-raekken i Futsal, saa bliver den gamle coach glad, og held og lykke i m-raekken i udendors.